Meet The Founder

Yussra Elshohdy - Egyptian American artist

Yussra Elshohdy is an Egyptian American artist. Acquired her BFA in Cairo, Egypt. Awarded multiple certificates internationally upon exhibitions successes.

“I remember my father doing architectural designs in his study, and I remember first finding my grandfather’s furniture design sketches hidden in the basement in a dusty box..they were just.. elite! Something beautiful was nurtured in me early on by my family… And I’ll forever be grateful.” -Y. Elshohdy

Yelsh Atelier - Painting Studio

“Story time!

After graduation, I started travelling… I wanted to see everything with my own eyes.
In Germany 2012, I had the honour of being a part of Die Documenta, where I did theatre decor and acting on a theatre project.
In Egypt, I worked on a British theatre project with international artists where I spent a joyful year gaining experience in set dec and accessory crafting.

Then I decided to set off to China in 2013… I wanted to see the culture and its influence on art, and I ended up doing multiple art exhibitions in Dalian, China, and that’s when everything changed…

With no expectations, the exhibitions were covered by press in two local newspapers… and I received an honorary artist seal and a membership of The Association of Chinese Folk Arts. It was almost like a dream.

I went back to Egypt and continued my art journey curating murals and wall art for a local film themed escape rooms company for a few years.

2018, I moved to Atlanta, GA. I worked in film here and there, but eventually corporate life took over… Apparently I was good at Operations Management! Fast forward to how frustrated, empty, consumed, abused, depressed and miserable I felt as a 9-5 employee, wasting my life away working day, night and weekends only to fulfil someone else’s dream of getting richer and richer.

November 2023, in a fairly small office in Downtown Atlanta.. I very quietly put my laptop and my pen that everyone was trying to steal in my bag… and I just walked out.. with a decision to claim back my life and to dedicate all those sleepless nights to my own dream.

And so I founded Yelsh… to honour my family who constantly fed this hobby of mine until I became who I am... It was time they saw the results of their never ending love.”

“I’m excited.. I’m scared.. I don’t know what tomorrow holds.. but it all means I’m alive.”

-Y. Elshohdy

Fine Art Studio - Yelsh Atelier
Creative art studio
Artistic studio sanctuary
Elegant fine art workshop
Unique atelier experience